
Monday, September 24, 2012

Holiday Gift Alert::::FREE 8X10 CANVAS

I have seen a bunch of "claim offers" on facebook for the "free 8x10 canvas" - but I do not usually do those, so I decided to find the website myself to do this. 

I found it; and it looks like a rather great deal for grandparents, uncles, aunts etc. You have three options:

Option 1 : Free 8x10 with paying for shipping - the shipping was around $14.95- this is a pretty decent deal. but you can also go the route of having a larger one

Option 2: 30-50% off and free shipping:  

Option 3: 11x10 for $25.00 ; this is including shipping etc. This requires a code. of tweet11x14 - once you go through, put in your address, in the top right it will say "Promo code" enter tweet11x14 and you press apply, your whole order will be 25.00 including shipping.

Here is how to get it:

(For option 2 or three go HERE )  - this already has the promo code applied
(For option 3 go HERE) - you will need to apply promo code
Create Canvas. No long forms to fill out to register, you can enter your zip, your name and your desired password. 
Upload your photo - Make sure you click no frame, no additional features, and you are good to go. It will keep asking you to "upgrade" If you are looking for the free print, do not do this! 

Good Luck.

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