This year we decided on Monopoly as our theme and got to town. I personally wanted my husband to be a game piece but time constraints and general confusion won out and he went as the "banker" but then decided to wear a "community chest, advance to go sign" - and hand out monopoly money !!!
Of course, most of our costume was either recycled or handmade- As far as I am concerned the store bought costumes can be for school days or events or trick or treating, but the contests we put some work in to.
We started at thrift stores to try and get what we needed and wouldnt you know it, we lucked out and on the first one we found ALL THE HATS , my jail outfit and the monopoly game-
The monopoly game was missing pieces so the guy just gave it to us, the hats and jail outfit all came to 3.00 total
I will break down each costume and cost - Of course I used what I could and what I had because ... well... why not. I believe that even if you had to buy everything brand new, you would still have a nice cheap costume (aside from the tux)
1. Monopoly Man ******He won his age group, grand prize*******
Our three year old played the cutest monopoly man ever
We got the board for free because of missing pieces and put a hole in it using an exacto knife- Okay I fib- the exacto gave us trouble so we basically sawed through it with knives of every kind. My husband then drilled 4 holes to stick the lanyard through to use as straps.

The stache was a stick on from party city - 1.00
We owned the tux
The bow tie I made from a hankerchief I already owned
I made the monocile out of a piece of black foam and glued it to a stick I had
The dice Pin I had from a 60th birthday I threw in March
Total Cost on Monopoly Man-$1.25
2. Go to Jail Chance Card
This was my character!
I found the jail bird costume at the thrift store for around 2.00
I used a foam poster board from the dollar tree 1.00

I uploaded a picture to Walgreens photo (MY FAVORITE SPOT!!) and had them blow it up to a 16x20 poster - I used a coupon of course and what is usually 15.99 came out to be 9.30
I used an exacto knife to trim all the white away- used modge podge to glue the poster to the foam and then once that dried, I went over the whole project with the modge podge to seal it-
Once everything was dry I exacto-ed the entire project and added holes to slip the lanyard through
Total cost for Go to Jail Card Costume: 12.30
2. Banker/Community Chest card
This was hubby!
This is done almost exactly the way Mine was
I used a foam poster board from the dollar tree 1.00
I used modge podge to put the poster on the foam - I keep modge podge on hand at all times and it is homemade modge podge.
I uploaded a picture to Walgreens photo (MY FAVORITE SPOT!!) and had them blow it up to a 16x20 poster - I used a coupon of course and what is usually 15.99 came out to be 9.30
I used an exacto knife to trim all the white away- used modge podge to glue the poster to the foam and then once that dried, I went over the whole project with the modge podge to seal it-
Once everything was dry I exacto-ed the entire project and added holes to slip the lanyard through
For his hat I used modge podge - DO NOT DO THIS!! use hot glue. I was not thinking apparently because I made more work for myself. I used money from the free game - and the hat we got for .50 at the thrift store.
Total cost for Go to Jail Card Costume: 10.80
Total for Family Costume: $24.35
*****And so that nobody puts me on one of those lists where people dress their kids as things they do not know, we use monopoly money to learn counting and also, our son gets three other halloween events where he can pick 1-2 other costumes. this year: spiderman!******
Did you know that the monopoly man never wore a monocle?